1 \e[27m./6.scripttest_param_p.sh
3 ================================
4 \e[27mprintf vars in scripttest!
5 ##########################
8 p_shortparam=|l|S:|n:|L|F|r|a|A|t:|b:|e:|x:|R|B|s|c|u|v|q|f|j:|d:|O:|p|m|g|V|h
9 p_longparam=|list|save:|num:|failed-begin|failed|ignor-err|all|test:|begin:|end:|exclude:|rollup|rollback|set|clean|update|verbose|quiet|force|multi-task:|dir:|output-dir:|print-vars|mono|logfile|version|help|debug
19 p_desc[0]="Design File Auto Gen Paramters:"
25 p_name[1]=list_test_list
26 p_proc[1]=args_list_item
27 p_desc[1]="list items and dirs under testing dir."
32 p_value[2]=save_desc_file
33 p_name[2]=save_desc_file
34 p_proc[2]=args_save_catalog
35 p_desc[2]="generate catalog from testing dir. if the catalog file is exist, just display desc info only. append -f option to recover an original catalog file. "
51 p_desc[4]="General Testing Paramters:"
56 p_value[5]=test_cnt_num
57 p_name[5]=test_cnt_num
59 p_desc[5]="running N test items continously."
62 p_longopt[6]=failed-begin
65 p_name[6]=failed_begin
67 p_desc[6]="从failed列表中的第一项开始测试。"
74 p_proc[7]=args_failed_test
75 p_desc[7]="test the failed items listed by -a option. it"
78 p_longopt[8]=ignor-err
81 p_name[8]=test_ignor_err
83 p_desc[8]="ignor testing error, and running continously."
91 p_desc[9]="test for all."
97 p_name[10]=continouse_all
99 p_desc[10]="test for all with -r -q option."
115 p_desc[12]="Testing Range Paramters:"
122 p_proc[13]=args_test_id
123 p_desc[13]="test a specified item by test item id.the id can be a dir id, that means test the items under the dir. if no id specified, it will test from the beginning id of normal testing."
128 p_value[14]=begin_test_id
129 p_name[14]=begin_test_id
131 p_desc[14]="begin id of testing range."
136 p_value[15]=end_test_id
137 p_name[15]=end_test_id
139 p_desc[15]="end id of the testing range."
142 p_longopt[16]=exclude
144 p_value[16]=exclude_id
145 p_name[16]=exclude_id
146 p_proc[16]=args_exclude
147 p_desc[16]="exclude id that should not be tested."
153 p_name[17]=test_id_rollup
155 p_desc[17]="rollup begin id, if the corresponding item is ok."
158 p_longopt[18]=rollback
161 p_name[18]=test_id_rollback
163 p_desc[18]="rollback begin id to the previous value. it is not simplly decrease the count of id, it will check the test item file first."
169 p_name[19]=set_test_info
171 p_desc[19]="save the range setted by -b and -e and -x option."
178 p_proc[20]=args_clean
179 p_desc[20]="clean testing temp dir."
195 p_desc[22]="Testing Output Info Paramters:"
201 p_name[23]=update_test_file
203 p_desc[23]="if the current test item is ok, save stdout output to test item as the standard output content."
206 p_longopt[24]=verbose
210 p_proc[24]=args_verbose
211 p_desc[24]="output the test script outputed with "
219 p_desc[25]="disable comparation string output. but it is not conflect with -v option. use -v -q means output detail string info instead of comparation string."
235 p_desc[27]="Misc Paramters:"
241 p_name[28]=test_force
243 p_desc[28]="force operation option. it"
246 p_longopt[29]=multi-task
248 p_value[29]=multi_task
249 p_name[29]=multi_task
251 p_desc[29]="multi-task running. set the parall num of tasks."
267 p_desc[31]="Other Paramters:"
275 p_desc[32]="指定测试信息的目录。默认值为当前目录下的testing目录。"
278 p_longopt[33]=output-dir
280 p_value[33]=output_dir
281 p_name[33]=output_dir
283 p_desc[33]="指定测试时的临时文件目录。默认值为~/用户目录下的.testing目录。"
286 p_longopt[34]=print-vars
289 p_name[34]=print_vars
290 p_proc[34]=args_print_vars
291 p_desc[34]="输出参数定义的变量信息。"
299 p_desc[35]="输出非彩色的字符串信息。"
302 p_longopt[36]=logfile
305 p_name[36]=test_logfile
306 p_proc[36]=test_logfile
307 p_desc[36]="测试failed时,不输出差异信息。"
323 p_desc[38]="Version & Helper & Debug:"
326 p_longopt[39]=version
329 p_name[39]=version_info
330 p_proc[39]=args_version
331 p_desc[39]="output version info of the program."
338 p_proc[40]=args_h_info
339 p_desc[40]="simplly helper doc only for option."
346 p_proc[41]=args_help_info
347 p_desc[41]="this helper doc."
353 p_name[42]=test_debug
354 p_proc[42]=args_test_debug
355 p_desc[42]="debug info for arguments dispatch. add the option follow with cmd."
360 Design File Auto Gen Paramters:
361 -l, --list list items and dirs under testing dir.
362 -S, --save=<save_desc_file> generate catalog from testing dir. if the
363 catalog file is exist, just display desc info
364 only. append -f option to recover an original
367 General Testing Paramters:
368 -n, --num=<test_cnt_num> running N test items continously.
369 -L, --failed-begin 从failed列表中的第一项开始测试。
370 -F, --failed test the failed items listed by -a option. it
371 -r, --ignor-err ignor testing error, and running continously.
372 -a, all, --all test for all.
373 -A test for all with -r -q option.
375 Testing Range Paramters:
376 -t, --test=<test_id> test a specified item by test item id.the id can
377 be a dir id, that means test the items under the
378 dir. if no id specified, it will test from the
379 beginning id of normal testing.
380 -b, --begin=<begin_test_id> begin id of testing range.
381 -e, --end=<end_test_id> end id of the testing range.
382 -x, --exclude=<exclude_id> exclude id that should not be tested.
383 -R, --rollup rollup begin id, if the corresponding item is ok.
384 -B, --rollback rollback begin id to the previous value. it is
385 not simplly decrease the count of id, it will
386 check the test item file first.
387 -s, --set save the range setted by -b and -e and -x option.
388 -c, --clean clean testing temp dir.
390 Testing Output Info Paramters:
391 -u, --update if the current test item is ok, save stdout
392 output to test item as the standard output
394 -v, --verbose output the test script outputed with
395 -q, --quiet disable comparation string output. but it is not
396 conflect with -v option. use -v -q means output
397 detail string info instead of comparation string.
400 -f, --force force operation option. it
401 -j, --multi-task=<multi_task> multi-task running. set the parall num of tasks.
404 -d, --dir=<test_dir> 指定测试信息的目录。默认值为当前目录下的testing目
406 -O, --output-dir=<output_dir> 指定测试时的临时文件目录。默认值为~/用户目录下的.
408 -p, --print-vars 输出参数定义的变量信息。
409 -m, --mono 输出非彩色的字符串信息。
410 -g, --logfile 测试failed时,不输出差异信息。
412 Version & Helper & Debug:
413 -V, --version output version info of the program.
414 -h simplly helper doc only for option.
415 --help this helper doc.
416 --debug debug info for arguments dispatch. add the
417 option follow with cmd.
418 ##########################
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